[3.25]Cast on Critical Lancing Steel of Spraying Soulrend of Reaping Perfect Agony Assassin Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (2024)


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[3.25]Cast on Critical Lancing Steel of Spraying Soulrend of Reaping Perfect Agony Assassin Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (1)

A CoC build for Assassin that uses Perfect Agony to deal high Poison Damage.

Updated for Patch 3.25

The Best Crafty Guides by Odealo

Guide notes
August 22, 2024
-Build created
Build overview



[3.25]Cast on Critical Lancing Steel of Spraying Soulrend of Reaping Perfect Agony Assassin Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (2)

[3.25]Cast on Critical Lancing Steel of Spraying Soulrend of Reaping Perfect Agony Assassin Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (3)

Boss DPS:


[3.25]Cast on Critical Lancing Steel of Spraying Soulrend of Reaping Perfect Agony Assassin Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (4)

[3.25]Cast on Critical Lancing Steel of Spraying Soulrend of Reaping Perfect Agony Assassin Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (5)

Cast on Critical builds will use an Attack to Trigger a Spell, which is their main damaging component. This build uses Lancing Steel of Spraying Attack to Trigger Soulrend of Reaping Spell. More often than not you can see players leaning towards Attacks that have high Attack Frequency built into the Gem, and while Cyclone may be a good example of such Skill,you have to keep in mind that Lancing Steel of Spraying has the advantage of being a Ranged Attack which keeps your character much safer. It fires multiple Projectiles per swing so the Trigger Rate remains high. Soulrend of Reaping is a bare-boned Chaos Projectile Spell,but it does have high Damage and Crit Chance - one of the highest you get without any drawbacks or strings attached. It's improved with Piercing Shots and will cause enemies to explode on Kill thanks to Asenath's Gentle TouchGloves so you don't need to worry about Clear Speed, which is usually poor for this Spell in particular. Soulrend will inflict Poison,the damage type we will focus on.

CoC builds rarely specialized in DoT because Critical Strikes and Damage over Time do not mix well. After all,Crit Damage does not improve Ailmet Damage, at least not in any significant way. This can be changed with the Perfect Agony Keystone which received a major buff in patch 3.25. It now translates the Critical Strike Multiplier into the Damage over Time Multiplier, while making the DoT Multiplier completely useless. It's much easier to gain a meaningful amount of Crit Multiplier, especially when compared to DoT Multiplier which is scarce and you get much less of it no matter the source. This archetype suits Assassin the most thanks to the Toxic Delivery which grants Poison Damage and Crit Chance. Noxious Strike, Opportunistic, and Unstable Infusion from the Assassin's arsenal are all excellent additions to this build. Capping your Crit Chance and Poison Chance at 100% should now be much easier.

It's not a durable build but we can still try to play the cards we've dealtourselves. The CoC builds all havea high Hit Rate so the primary defensive layer will be instant Life Recovery on Hit. It nearly guarantees that you will stay on Full Life as long as you are Attacking. Just don't get Stunned or Frozen. It protects you from DoTs too. Besides that, the build has a somewhat high Maximum Life with Energy Shield recovered via Ghost Dance, capped Spell Suppression, and a high Evasion Rating. You're immune to Reflected Damage and enemies you Poison won't deal Critical Strikes. Also, you take 20% less damage if there are two big enemies near you, so the build is pretty safe in crowded areas or against specific bosses.

You can also find our other Path of Exile builds right over hereOdealo's Crafty Guides - Full List

1. Gameplay

Spray enemies with Lancing Steel and Soulrend Triggered with it. It's effective against packs of enemies as your Projectiles are very fast and theydetonate foeson kill. To move around use Shield Charge. Against bosses deploy Arcanist Brand that will Curse them with 3 Hexes. Assassin's Mark is triggered automatically, and so is Temporal Chains, Immortal Call, and Blood Rage. Your Mana-Reserving Skills are Malevolence, Grace, and Arctic Armour.

[3.25]Cast on Critical Lancing Steel of Spraying Soulrend of Reaping Perfect Agony Assassin Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (6)

[3.25]Cast on Critical Lancing Steel of Spraying Soulrend of Reaping Perfect Agony Assassin Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (7)[3.25]Cast on Critical Lancing Steel of Spraying Soulrend of Reaping Perfect Agony Assassin Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (8)
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2. Build's PROS & CONS

  • very high Poison Damage that quickly ramps up due to a high trigger rate
  • extremely good at clearing and fast-moving
  • great life and mana recovery
  • hard to assemble
  • fragile against big hits or when immobilized

3. Leveling tips

Start with something that's not Cast-on-Critical and does not use Perfect Agony - capping Crit Chance is not an easy feat. We recommend following thePoison Blade Vortex Assassinbuild guide. You will start as a regular Poison build with Noxious Strike and Toxic Delivery - these passives are good even if your Crit Chance is low, and grow stronger the higher your Crit Chance is. There's still a lot to do even afteryou reach a high enough Crit Chance to benefit from Perfect Agony, so if you don't have gear ready to equip, play as theBlade Vortex and switch after acquiring it. This CoC build is complex and can't be easily assembled with no prior thought. Put your character into PoB and check the Attack/Cast Rate in "Calcs". Your Attack Speed has to be as close to the Trigger Rate Cap,and keep mind that if your Projectiles Return, they will hit twice after a delay.


Two Additional Passive Skill Points seem like the best option for this build

4. Final Skill Tree, Ascendancy Points, and Pantheon

Final Skill Tree:

97 Points Final Skill Tree(doesn't include Cluster or Unique Jewels)
123 Points Path of Building (PoB) link

Ascendancy points:

Preferably in that order:

  1. Noxious Strike
  2. Toxic Delivery
  3. Unstable Infusion
  4. Opportunistic


Major God:Soul of the Brine King:You cannot be Stunned if you've been Stunned or Blocked a Stunning Hit in the past 2 seconds

Minor God: Soul of Garukhan: 60% reduced Effect of Shock on you

5. Final Gems links

[DPS] Lancing Steel CoC setup
[3.25]Cast on Critical Lancing Steel of Spraying Soulrend of Reaping Perfect Agony Assassin Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (9)Lancing Steel of Spraying- The Attack which Triggers linked Spell. It Hits many times per swing and is ranged, making it one of the best Attacks for this purpose.
[3.25]Cast on Critical Lancing Steel of Spraying Soulrend of Reaping Perfect Agony Assassin Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (10)Soulrend of Reaping- An extremely powerful Chaos Spell with unusually high damage and Crit Chance. It's the main damaging ability that will inflict Poison on Hit.
[3.25]Cast on Critical Lancing Steel of Spraying Soulrend of Reaping Perfect Agony Assassin Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (11)Cast on Critical Strike Support- It allows Lacing Steel to Trigger Soulrend. Try to get the awakened version for a lower Cooldown, thus a higher Trigger Rate. With the awakened version you won't need any more Cooldown Recovery Rate to reach7.58 casts per second.
[3.25]Cast on Critical Lancing Steel of Spraying Soulrend of Reaping Perfect Agony Assassin Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (12)Void Manipulation Support - More Chaos Damage, which is the Poison's type of damage.
[3.25]Cast on Critical Lancing Steel of Spraying Soulrend of Reaping Perfect Agony Assassin Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (13)Increased Critical Strike Support- Increases Crit Chance for linked Skills. You absolutely need a 100% Critical Strike Chance.
[3.25]Cast on Critical Lancing Steel of Spraying Soulrend of Reaping Perfect Agony Assassin Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (14)Returning Projectiles Support - All Projectiles Return to you after Piercing, applying poison, and Triggering the Spell again. This way they can Trigger Soulrend on their way back, but the limit of CDR is still keeping you from triggering it too often - it only makes your projectiles stay longer to hit an enemy.
[UTILITY] Reservation setup
[3.25]Cast on Critical Lancing Steel of Spraying Soulrend of Reaping Perfect Agony Assassin Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (15)Malevolence- More Damage over Time and increased Skill Effect Duration.
[3.25]Cast on Critical Lancing Steel of Spraying Soulrend of Reaping Perfect Agony Assassin Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (16)Grace - More and increased Evasion Rating.
[3.25]Cast on Critical Lancing Steel of Spraying Soulrend of Reaping Perfect Agony Assassin Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (17)Arctic Armour - While Stationary, you take less Fire and Physical Damage. It also grants Freeze immunity. You're Stationary when attacking and after taking a big Hit that Stuns you so it's reliable.
[3.25]Cast on Critical Lancing Steel of Spraying Soulrend of Reaping Perfect Agony Assassin Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (18)Enlighten Support- Linked Skills Reserve less Mana.
[UTILITY] Curse setup
[3.25]Cast on Critical Lancing Steel of Spraying Soulrend of Reaping Perfect Agony Assassin Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (19)Arcanist Brand- A Brand that Triggers all linked Spells once attached to an enemy. Use it against bosses.
[3.25]Cast on Critical Lancing Steel of Spraying Soulrend of Reaping Perfect Agony Assassin Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (20)Despair- A Curse that lowers Chaos Resistance.
[3.25]Cast on Critical Lancing Steel of Spraying Soulrend of Reaping Perfect Agony Assassin Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (21)Enfeeble- Reduces Accuracy Rating and causes enemies to deal less damage.
[3.25]Cast on Critical Lancing Steel of Spraying Soulrend of Reaping Perfect Agony Assassin Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (22)Punishment- Enemies that are on Low Life take vastly increased damage.
[MOBILITY] Assassin's Mark setup
[3.25]Cast on Critical Lancing Steel of Spraying Soulrend of Reaping Perfect Agony Assassin Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (23)Assassin's Mark - Increased Critical Strike Chance and Multiplier against Marked enemies.
[3.25]Cast on Critical Lancing Steel of Spraying Soulrend of Reaping Perfect Agony Assassin Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (24)Mark on Hit Support - Linked Mark is applied on Hit against Rare and Unique enemies.
[3.25]Cast on Critical Lancing Steel of Spraying Soulrend of Reaping Perfect Agony Assassin Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (25)Lifetap Support - Assassin's Mark costs Life and no Mana.
[UTILITY] Immortal Call setup
[3.25]Cast on Critical Lancing Steel of Spraying Soulrend of Reaping Perfect Agony Assassin Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (26)Immortal Call- Causes you to take less Physical and Elemental Damage for a brief moment.
[3.25]Cast on Critical Lancing Steel of Spraying Soulrend of Reaping Perfect Agony Assassin Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (27)Automation- Immortal Call is triggered whenever it's off-cooldown.
[MOBILITY] Shield Charge setup
[3.25]Cast on Critical Lancing Steel of Spraying Soulrend of Reaping Perfect Agony Assassin Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (28)Shield Charge - The mobility Skill you can use to traverse the terrain with haste.
[3.25]Cast on Critical Lancing Steel of Spraying Soulrend of Reaping Perfect Agony Assassin Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (29)Faster Attacks Support - Movement Speed while using Shield Charge is increased alongside Attack Speed.
[3.25]Cast on Critical Lancing Steel of Spraying Soulrend of Reaping Perfect Agony Assassin Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (30)Lifetap Support - Shield Charge costs Life instead of Mana. Momentum is an alternative.
[UTILITY] Blood Rage
[3.25]Cast on Critical Lancing Steel of Spraying Soulrend of Reaping Perfect Agony Assassin Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (31)Blood Rage- More Attack Speed, Life Leech, and Frenzy Charges on Kill. The Life Drain should be manageable.
[UTILITY] Clarity
[3.25]Cast on Critical Lancing Steel of Spraying Soulrend of Reaping Perfect Agony Assassin Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (32)Clarity- Keep it at level 1. Watcher's Eye has a god mod for it that reduces the Mana Cost of all skills. You can also replace it with[3.25]Cast on Critical Lancing Steel of Spraying Soulrend of Reaping Perfect Agony Assassin Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (33)Vitality, there's the Watcher's Eye mod for instant Life on Hit with Vitality that's also great.

[3.25]Cast on Critical Lancing Steel of Spraying Soulrend of Reaping Perfect Agony Assassin Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (34)[3.25]Cast on Critical Lancing Steel of Spraying Soulrend of Reaping Perfect Agony Assassin Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (35)
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5. Gear Setup

It's a CoC build so it's quite complex to assemble. You need to cap your Crit Chance and then look for the Critical Strike Multiplier. Note that Damage over Time Multiplier does nothing for this build due to Perfect Agony, but you can still benefit from the regular Damage over Time, Poison Damage, and Ailment Damage or Duration. Invest in Cooldown Recover Rate you need even more damage; check how much of it you would needto reach the next breakpoint and have this stathave an actual effect. We have it capped at 7.58 casts per second, which is not very high. Also, note that Lancing Steel of Spraying has a fixed Fire Rate per swing that'sindependent of your Attack Speed. You can create more sources of these Projectiles with high enough Attack Speed, and increasing the number of Projectiles only makes them last longer. Increasing the Gem Level of Soulrend is also a good way to gain DPS, but there are not a lot of opportunities for it in this setup.You will struggle with Mana Cost so try to reduce it with all means necessary. Mana on Hit and Instant Leech will help you here, but the Cost alone makes it difficult anyhow. Reservation Efficiency is good for the same reason. 139 Strength will be needed for Shield Charge and Immortal Cry. Your defense is built on Maximum Life, Evasion, a bit of Energy Shield with Ghost Dance, 100% Spell Suppression Chance, and maybe Blind and Endurance Charges if you can find a way to integrate them into the build, which we will explain how to do. You also Hit a lot of enemies every second so any source of instant Life on Hit is invaluable. You need no Accuracy.

Stat priorities on items:

  1. Maximum Life
  2. Elemental Resistances
  3. Reduced Man Cost of Skills
  4. capped Crit Chance for Spells and Attacks
  5. Critical Strike Multiplier
  6. Strength
  7. Mana Reservation Efficiency
  8. Attack Speed to match Trigger Rate Cap
  9. Spell Suppression Chance
  10. Cooldown Recover Rate if you have a high Attack Speed
  11. Gem Level of Soulrend
  12. Chaos Resistance
  13. Life on Hit
  14. Poison Damage or Duration
  15. Evasion Rating
[3.25]Cast on Critical Lancing Steel of Spraying Soulrend of Reaping Perfect Agony Assassin Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (36)(Helmet) Rare Helmet - Go for the Evasion base Helmet with Suppression, Maximum Life, and a lot of Elemental Resistances. For the Eldritch mods, we recommend Reduced Mana Cost of Attacks and Mana Reservation Efficiency or increased Duration of Ailments on Enemies.
Min. requirements:
+100 to maximum Life
+80% to Total Elemental Resistances
Spell Suppression Chance
Optional affixes:
Chaos Resistance
increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills
[3.25]Cast on Critical Lancing Steel of Spraying Soulrend of Reaping Perfect Agony Assassin Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (37)(Body Armour) The Covenant - It adds tons of Chaos Damage to your socketed Skills, which directly increases Poison DPS. If you don't have it yet, just get a Rare Armour with Life and Resistances.
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 29 Added Chaos Damage
+(20-30) to Intelligence
(210-250)% increased Energy Shield
10% increased maximum Life
Skills gain a Base Life Cost equal to 100% of Base Mana Cost
[3.25]Cast on Critical Lancing Steel of Spraying Soulrend of Reaping Perfect Agony Assassin Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (38)(Weapon)Rare Sword- One-Handed Sword with the Implicit for Crit Multiplier would be great. Its Affixes must add some more Global Crit Multiplier, Attack Speed to reach the Trigger Rate cap, and there must also be the Crafted Prefix that makes your Attacks unavoidable. You don't need much else.
Min. requirements:
increased Attack Speed
Hits can't be Evaded
Global Crit Multiplier
Optional affixes:
[3.25]Cast on Critical Lancing Steel of Spraying Soulrend of Reaping Perfect Agony Assassin Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (39)(Off-hand)Rare Shield- Shield is a source of basic defenses that we already listed. Note that Shaper or Hunter-influenced Shields may have a special Suffix for local Mana Reservation Efficiency and with it, you won't need Enlighten Support.
Min. requirements:
+90 to maximum Life
+40% Elemental Resistances
Spell Suppression Chance
Optional affixes:
Chaos Resistance
Attack Speed
Socketed Gems have #% increased Reservation Efficiency
Movement Speed
[3.25]Cast on Critical Lancing Steel of Spraying Soulrend of Reaping Perfect Agony Assassin Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (40)(Gloves) Asenath's Gentle Touch - A popular choice among Poison builds. It Curses enemies with Temporal Chains on Hit, grants some basic stats, and detonates enemies on kill. You can Corrupt them for a chance for one extra Maximum Frenzy Charge.
+(20-30) to Intelligence
+(60-80) to maximum Life
+(60-80) to maximum Mana
Curse Enemies with Temporal Chains on Hit
Non-Aura Curses you inflict are not removed from Dying Enemies
Enemies near corpses affected by your Curses are Blinded
Enemies Killed near corpses affected by your Curses explode, dealing 3% of their Life as Physical Damage
[3.25]Cast on Critical Lancing Steel of Spraying Soulrend of Reaping Perfect Agony Assassin Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (41)(Boots) Rare Boots - Keep Boots simple, just the basic defensive stats with Movement Speed will be enough. For Eldritch mods you should get increased Cooldown Recovery Rate or Faster Poison, and Action Speed or Chaos Resistance.
Min. requirements:
+90 maximum Life
30% increased Movement Speed
+80% to Total Elemental Resistances
Optional affixes:
Spell Suppression Chance
Cooldown Recovery Rate
[3.25]Cast on Critical Lancing Steel of Spraying Soulrend of Reaping Perfect Agony Assassin Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (42)(Boots) Ralakesh's Impatience - Pair it up withOlesya's DelightandReplica Badge of the Brotherhood. The lack of Maximum Life, Movement Speed, and other mods you can find on Rare Boots is a major downside and so these Boots are highly optional.
+(15-25)% to Cold Resistance
+(15-25)% to Chaos Resistance
Count as having maximum number of Endurance Charges
Count as having maximum number of Frenzy Charges
Count as having maximum number of Power Charges
[3.25]Cast on Critical Lancing Steel of Spraying Soulrend of Reaping Perfect Agony Assassin Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (43)(Belt) Rare Belt - Use a Rare Belt if you need Maximum Life, Resistances, and Strength. In most cases, we recommendOlesya's Delight.
Min. requirements:
+100 maximum Life
+80% to Total Elemental Resistances
Optional affixes:
increased Maximum Life
Chaos Resistance
Flask modifiers
Cooldown Recovery Rate
[3.25]Cast on Critical Lancing Steel of Spraying Soulrend of Reaping Perfect Agony Assassin Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (44)(Belt) Olesya's Delight - Grants8% more Damage with Poison per Frenzy Charge, which you will probably have 7 or even 10 of. You will no longer gain Frenzy Charges which is bad if you don't want to use Ralakesh's Impatience.
(15-25)% increased Stun and Block Recovery
+(600-700) to Evasion Rating
+(40-60)% to Cold Resistance
(8-12)% increased Movement Speed
+1 to Maximum Frenzy Charges
Modifiers to Minimum Frenzy Charges instead apply to Minimum Affliction Charges
Maximum Affliction Charges is equal to Maximum Frenzy Charges
Gain Affliction Charges instead of Frenzy Charges
[3.25]Cast on Critical Lancing Steel of Spraying Soulrend of Reaping Perfect Agony Assassin Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (45)(Amulet) Rare Amulet- The only redeeming quality of a Rare Amulet is the possibility to gain a lot of global Crit Multiplier with Maximum Life, Resistances, and Attributes. Life on Hit is also great.
Min. requirements:
+80 Maximum Life
+40% to Elemental Resistances
Critical Strike Multiplier
+1 to Level of All Choas Skill Gems
Optional affixes:
Life per enemy Hit with Attack
Chaos Resistance
[3.25]Cast on Critical Lancing Steel of Spraying Soulrend of Reaping Perfect Agony Assassin Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (46)(Amulet) Replica Badge of the Brotherhood- A lot of players lean towards this Amulet for additional Maximum Endurance Charges, which were improved in patch 3.25. You can't really Fortify yourself, but you can generate Endurance Charges with Enduring Composure from a Small Cluster Jewel.
+(16-24) to Dexterity and Intelligence
Your Maximum Endurance Charges is equal to your Maximum Frenzy Charges
+1 to maximum Fortification per Endurance Charge
(7-10)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate of Travel Skills per Frenzy Charge
(20-25)% chance to lose a Frenzy Charge when you use a Travel Skill
(20-25)% chance to lose an Endurance Charge when you gain Fortification
[3.25]Cast on Critical Lancing Steel of Spraying Soulrend of Reaping Perfect Agony Assassin Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (47)(Amulet) Ungil's Harmony- Despite being an Assassin you will struggle with Crit Chance, especially if your budget is low. This Amulet grants tons of Crit Chance, some Life, and Attributes. The downside does not apply.
+(16-24) to Dexterity and Intelligence
(250-350)% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
Your Critical Strikes do not deal extra Damage
+(30-50) to maximum Life
+(30-50) to maximum Mana
40% increased Stun and Block Recovery
[3.25]Cast on Critical Lancing Steel of Spraying Soulrend of Reaping Perfect Agony Assassin Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (48)(Amulet) Replica Dragonfang's Flight- The obvious choice for Spell builds due to the abundance of various utility mods and one for damage of a specific Skill, Soulrend in our case.
+(10-16) to all Attributes
+3 to Level of all <Random Skill> Gems
+(5-10)% to all Elemental Resistances
(5-10)% increased Reservation Efficiency of Skills
Items and Gems have (10-5)% reduced Attribute Requirements
Recommended Anointments:
[3.25]Cast on Critical Lancing Steel of Spraying Soulrend of Reaping Perfect Agony Assassin Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (49)(Ring) Rare Rings- Your non-Unique Ring has to have Strength, Maximum Life, Resistances, and a crafted Prefix that lowers the Mana Cost of all Skills by 7.
Min. requirements:
+90 Maximum Life
+40% to Elemental Resistances
Non-Channelling Skills have -7 to Total Mana Cost
Optional affixes:
Chaos Resistance
[3.25]Cast on Critical Lancing Steel of Spraying Soulrend of Reaping Perfect Agony Assassin Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (50)(Ring) Anathema- You will apply 5 Curses - Temporal Chains, Despair, Enfeeble, Punishment, and Assassin's Mark. Anathema is needed for that.
+(15-25) to maximum Energy Shield
+(30-40) to Intelligence
(10-15)% increased Cast Speed
(10-20)% chance to gain a Power Charge when you Cast a Curse Spell
Your Curse Limit is equal to your maximum Power Charges
[3.25]Cast on Critical Lancing Steel of Spraying Soulrend of Reaping Perfect Agony Assassin Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (51)(Jewel)The Light of Meaning - If you can afford one, we recommend The Light of Meaning with increased Chaos Damage. Socket it near Ghost Dance of Fervour.
Passive Skills in Radius also grant 6% increased Chaos Damage
[3.25]Cast on Critical Lancing Steel of Spraying Soulrend of Reaping Perfect Agony Assassin Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (52)(Jewel)The Balance of Terror - The build lacks Cooldown Recovery Rate which is not a problem because it doesn't have Hit Rate to match it. If you want to increase your trigger rate, you need 52% Cooldown Recovery Rate in total, which is found on Boots and Belt. Get this specific Balance of Terror and cast Temporal Chains every 10 seconds if it would help you reach 52%.
(20-25)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate if you've cast Temporal Chains in the past 10 seconds
Inflict Withered for 2 seconds on Hit if you've cast Despair in the past 10 seconds
[3.25]Cast on Critical Lancing Steel of Spraying Soulrend of Reaping Perfect Agony Assassin Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (53)(Jewel)Rare Jewels- Jewels are your source of Maximum Life, Attack Speed if you need it, and Critical Strike Multiplier, especiallyCritical Strike Multiplier for Spells.
Recommended affixes:
increased maximum Life
increased Attack Speed
Critical Strike Multiplier for Spell Damage
Chance to Poison
[3.25]Cast on Critical Lancing Steel of Spraying Soulrend of Reaping Perfect Agony Assassin Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (54)(Jewel) Watcher's Eye - You're using Malevolence and Grace. You may also host level-1 Clarity to unlock the one specific mod on a Watcher's Eye that reduces the Mana Cost of all Skills.
(4-6)% increased maximum Energy Shield
(4-6)% increased maximum Life
(4-6)% increased maximum Mana
<Two or Three random aura modifiers>
[3.25]Cast on Critical Lancing Steel of Spraying Soulrend of Reaping Perfect Agony Assassin Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (55)(Jewel) Large Cluster Jewel - One or Two Large Chaos Damage Cluster Jewels with the notables one can usually find in Poison builds are required.
Recommended affixes:
1 Added Passive Skill is Touch of Cruelty
1 Added Passive Skill is Unwaveringly Evil
1 Added Passive Skill is Wicked Pall
1 Added Passive Skill is Unholz Grace
[3.25]Cast on Critical Lancing Steel of Spraying Soulrend of Reaping Perfect Agony Assassin Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (56)(Jewel) Medium Cluster Jewel - Quick Gateway increases Crit Chance, Movement, and Attack Speed. Basics of Pain increases Crit Chance and damage. You can find them on Medium Critical Strike Cluster Jewels.
Recommended affixes:
1 Added Passive Skill is Quick Gateway
1 Added Passive Skill is Basics of Pain
[3.25]Cast on Critical Lancing Steel of Spraying Soulrend of Reaping Perfect Agony Assassin Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (57)(Jewel) Small Cluster Jewel - Enduring Composure is here if you need to generate Endurance Charges. It is also present on some Megalomaniac Medium Cluster Jewels, mixed in with other useful Notables for Reservation Efficiency, Crit Chance, Poison Damage, and so on.
Recommended affixes:
1 Added Passive Skill isEnduring Composure
[3.25]Cast on Critical Lancing Steel of Spraying Soulrend of Reaping Perfect Agony Assassin Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (58)(Tincture) Grasping Nightshade- That's how we plan to apply Withered. Use it against bosses and turn it on only for a second or two. It also inflicts Grasping Vines and Blinds enemies, which is desirable with high Evasion. The other way to Wither is to use The Balance of Terror.
25% chance to Blind Enemies on Hit with Melee Weapons
(25-35)% increased Effect of Blind from Melee Weapons
Melee Weapon Hits Inflict (2-3) Withered Debuffs for 2 seconds
(20-30)% chance to inflict a Grasping Vine on Melee Weapon Hit

Other suggested Flasks and Tinctures:

  1. Life Flaskwith Bleeding immunity/removal
  2. Silver Flask with reduced Effect of Shock on you
  3. Jade Flask with increased Evasion Rating
  4. Quicksilver Flask with increased Movement Speed
  5. Diamond Flask with increased Crit Chance
[3.25]Cast on Critical Lancing Steel of Spraying Soulrend of Reaping Perfect Agony Assassin Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (59)[3.25]Cast on Critical Lancing Steel of Spraying Soulrend of Reaping Perfect Agony Assassin Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (60)[3.25]Cast on Critical Lancing Steel of Spraying Soulrend of Reaping Perfect Agony Assassin Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (61)[3.25]Cast on Critical Lancing Steel of Spraying Soulrend of Reaping Perfect Agony Assassin Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (62)[3.25]Cast on Critical Lancing Steel of Spraying Soulrend of Reaping Perfect Agony Assassin Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (63)

[3.25]Cast on Critical Lancing Steel of Spraying Soulrend of Reaping Perfect Agony Assassin Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (64)[3.25]Cast on Critical Lancing Steel of Spraying Soulrend of Reaping Perfect Agony Assassin Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide (65)
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If you have any other build requests, please leave that in the comments below.

Pictures used in this article are theintellectual property of Grinding Gear Games.

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Author: Carmelo Roob

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Author information

Name: Carmelo Roob

Birthday: 1995-01-09

Address: Apt. 915 481 Sipes Cliff, New Gonzalobury, CO 80176

Phone: +6773780339780

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Gaming, Jogging, Rugby, Video gaming, Handball, Ice skating, Web surfing

Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.