Help Center | VCU Health (2025)

You can sign up for MyChart online or using our digital app. All VCU Health patients are issued an access code and you will receive that code either in a letter from your clinic or by email after your most recent appointment. You will use this code to register and set up your MyChart account. Don't have an access code? Sign up now by answering a few questions to verify your identity. Tappahannock patients can use their Riverside MyChart username and password to access their VCU Health MyChart account.

MyChart is a service that we provide for our patients. There is no charge for any of the available features and benefits to assist you in managing your personal health information.

On the MyChart sign-in page, you will see a Forgot Password link. By clicking on this link, you will receive instructions on how to reset your password. For optimal security, you will be asked to answer security questions to verify your identity for password recovery.

If your email, phone or other contact information has changed, or you simply want to update your information, go to Preferences after you login to MyChart and update your contact information.

Yes, Tappahannock patients can use their Riverside MyChart username and password to access their VCU Health MyChart account. You may be asked to update your password if it doesn't meet VCU Health security requirements.

Yes, patients can link their VCU Health MyChart account with other MyChart accounts using the “Link My Accounts” feature in the MyChart menu. Watch this video to learn how.

On the MyChart sign-in page, you will see a Forgot MyChart ID link. By clicking on this link, you will receive instructions on how to recover your MyChart ID. You will be asked several security questions to verify your identity to keep your account secure.

"Proxy Access" allows you to give someone else access to your MyChart account or allows you to manage someone else's MyChart. This is common for parents/guardians who needs to manage their child's MyChart account or if you need access to an adult relative's records. Learn more about "Proxy Access."Learn more about parent/guardian proxy access for teens.

Teens ages 13 - 17 can have their own MyChart account using their OWN personal cell phone number or personal email address. Parents/guardians cannot create an account on behalf of their child. Teens can choose to grant their parent/guardian full access, messaging only access or no access at all. The teen’s provider will educate them on how to grant their parent/guardian access. If your teen has significantly diminished capacity and you need to have full access, your teen's chart will be reviewed by a medical team to determine if full access is needed. If approved, the parent/guardian will be given full proxy access. Learn more about MyChart access for teens and their proxies.

With the ability to track all health care appointments across VCU Health providers, MyChart provides an efficient solution to manage preventive care such as annual wellness appointments or physical exams, immunizations such as flu shots and specialty appointments for any health need.If a sooner appointment becomes available, the patient will be electronically notified and may choose to accept the new appointment by logging into their MyChart account. The existing appointment will not be cancelled or changed without the patient’s acceptance.

Do you need an easy way to track your medications, removing those you no longer need, and adding new medicines? Using MyChart, you can also quickly request refills or message healthcare providers with medication questions. With powerful communication capabilities, you can add comments about your new medications and MyChart will notify you when medications are ready for pick up at the pharmacy of your choice.

One of the benefits of MyChart includes the ability to request medical records – easily online. When your requested records are available, you can download them to save on your digital device or print, if necessary.

With 24/7 access to billing information, you will be able to quickly view and print your billing statements – and receive notifications when new statements are ready to view and payments are due. Online bill pay is convenient and easy to set up, based on your preferences. In addition, payment plans with recurring automatic payments and paperless billing are available through MyChart.

Learn more about paying your VCU Health bills

One of the benefits of using MyChart is the ability to ask your provider a non-urgent question by sending a message to your provider. Go to Messaging and the Ask a Question section. Type your question, which will remain secure and private, select a recipient, subject and enter your question - and by sending you begin a private communication with your provider and team. If you don't see your doctor or a member of your care team in your MyChart account, please contact MyChart patient phone support for assistance at (804) 802-5964 - we're happy to help from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., 7 days a week.

If you don't see your doctor or a member of your care team in your MyChart account, please contact MyChart patient phone support for assistance at (804) 802-5964 - we're happy to help from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., 7 days a week.

Your VCU Health providers can communicate with you through the MyChart Message Center. They can send messages, including attachments through the most secure technology to keep all of your personal health records safe.

MyChart is also available in Arabic (only in the MyChart mobile app), Danish, Dutch, English (UK), Finnish, French, German, German (Switzerland), Spanish, and Swedish. These languages are translated for most communications within MyChart, but clinical content and messaging remain in English.

If you have other questions or need help with your MyChart account, please contact MyChart patient phone support for assistance at (804) 802-5964.

Help Center | VCU Health (2025)


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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

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Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.