Morristown Gazette Mail from Morristown, Tennessee (2025)

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Morristown Gazette Maili

Morristown, Tennessee

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Pirates Should Be A Much- Cage Schedules This Week Brew A Stew for NIT Pickers Improved Team for 'Stfj Race Kroll Wins Tucson Open With Low 264 BOBBY BKAGAN TUCSON Aria fwt -KwA lies with the youngsters Two of FfJRT WORTH Tex The District 4 Cage Meet Starts Here on Monday lour fellows who aieady naa Pittsburgh Pirates should be bet- 1 1 bound Mar i proven themselves as big teagu- UmA ii Knar seasons I refer tarli 1956 on Uie basis ot ex arinca aJsjaw iTLIi innigu Tk nti who select trie teamai 7 pj Tfc club's bisxes' weakness I to outfielder Frank Thomas and jlefthanded pitcher Dick LiUle- -r- at i iiuc Has won a lot of gmr for the National Inviution Toar- inU) siT-bound last year was lack of experience menU in 18 years as a pro but TO liU tcfir major-league-wiae txeapt lor nament may be on a steady diet again The Dytons have of bicarb this week a college ia louuvii of and -1 ne never oh- -LouisviLe jjjie the 264 that woo the Tucson couple of positions we didn jiost one basketball schedules trew a stew rwn and X2000 Sunday did it 66-64 field How far will we climb? Well the second place team does not play in the World Series so there isn't any sense in shooting for a runner-up spot behind the Khrushchev have a regular player wno naa a fwH-year in the big leases un- 2 M'towii Teams Are Not Seeded that doesn't figure to set well The New lOrter now piayin The NCAA Tournament Com iout of Fort Lauderdale Fla der his belt Memphis State 17-3 Niagara 15-5 ManhatUn 12-j and St Francis of Brooklyn 16-0 also could make it a hecuc week for mittee however ca sit oac hnnniwl 16 strokes off the tl Eddie Ray Rincs Wins First Place In Talent Show rl M-vmv-jM and appraise a bevy of close con- 11 rItd In the outfield Ramon Mejias an4 Boberto Clemente had played little professional baseball Rio course par-70 during lour erfnee races of pav- Dodgers As for our own club we have several fine players including shortstop Dick Groat first baseman Dale Long caccher Toby Atwell and outfie ders Jerry Cleans House For Red Rally NEW YORK Nikita Khrushchev has been having a thorough -uninir in preparation tor well-tested champion into thethe Nil final chae for the mtional title! Memphis State reaoy and wat-Loui-vUle 19-X is the bigyes- jing for a tourney bid plays Day-NIT headache! The Cardinals 'ion Wedensday Niagara the a situation moets seton He broke up a duel witn uow Finstewald Bedford Heights Ohio on the 17th green and went on to beat him by three Eddie O'Brien center iieioer had been called up along with his twin brother Johnny before either had played any appreci The annual Fcwrth District high school basketball tournament will be held in the new Isenberg-Siler Plans for the tournament were eompleted at a meeting in Dand- ridge The tournament will open Monday Feb 27 end run through Saturday March 3 i Lynch and Preston Ward strokes in the final round Kl amount Hall an NIT entry Thursday Hren't acceptable to the NCAA Bob Friend Vern Law Dick There were men "nth limited Hall Ronnie Kline and Utter- Finsterwald whose broad grin and exciting chip hots rhade him the "gallery's pet collected experience on the pitching and The Marguerite Community Club sponsored a talent show at F-M School Saturday evening as a benefit for the March of Dimes There was a good display of talent Eddie Ray Rines eight-year-old son of Mr and Mrs Edward Rines was winner of the first award with his accordion numbers Judy Nash was second with an acrobatic act and Toby Hanks was third with her catching stair too field give us a good nucleus oi a pitching staff the opening Tuesday of the boviet Communist party' 20th congress This ft the most likely explana-nt removal of nd ManhatUn which "eliminated" St John's from the NIT picture last week challenges St Francis already pi-ked by the NIT picture last wee challenges St Francis already picked by Of course not ail tne laut hould have tre Ml ucisirg i chops But instead they've been knocking the glitter from NIT 'entries and could keep it Up this week And this is nt' going to pack Madison Square Garden $1400 for his seconi-piace zw Gene Littler Palm Springs Calif matched JKroll's 6S and DAILY GAZETTE MAIL MONDAY! FEB 13 1946 several important Soviet officials ifiiiished with 268 the NIT Tuesday next month the demotion ol ojners ami mm of severe rebukes to Bill Keezel Mornstown athletic director '1 tournament director and Robert Kcfauver of Jefferson High Will be the assistant director Rutldege High has been seeded Jffc-tia-the boys division and Sevierville drew the ton seeded spot in the jrirls tournament Rutledge has an 18-3 record still more leaders in the party Party Khrushchev who evidently intends to dominate thej Sugar Ray Is congress with a firm nanu appears to be putting his subordinates on notice that they must for the season uaumou Beta Phi (16-4) is 'he "fond- TarPt lOV deeded boy 1em Rush Strong 1 dl gCl rrnm toe the line or else: Hor are some of the signili- Yot i third and oevieiviuv i li Ring Hopefuls VlEEl im fourtn Call- iru 1 Uarnri Kruelov was fired inh a minister oi m- YOU WILL BE! (EITHER WAY) SAFE or "GOT HIT!" By Assoeietei Preaf Kverybody wants to fight Sugar Ray Robinon That's the only way to explain the lively ternal affairs and replaced by Dudorov Kruglov a veteran 'n'nlice officer had served foi many years -uftder-Lavrenty Ikr-j activity in the middieweiprm uv- ia wjio waK executed as a umwi in 1963 fler Beris arrest iMP-lot? reolaced him as minister! The top-seeded eviervm team has a-t4 records or the year Rush Strong (20-2) I seeded No 2 in giris play Jefferson (12-3) No and Pittman Center (12-4) No 4 All seeded teanls drew byes for the first jound The tournament will op" wt" four games Monday Feb 27 There will be four aames every night through Friday and the championship in both divisions will be Saturday The pairing: Monday Fb 27 -Morristown Oatunourg (girls 2 ii rhilhnwee VS of internal affairs Dudorov was of construction poli cies in the Central Committee of the party at a time when Khrush ision since Sugar Kay kuock off Bobo Olson to win back the title rl yyith a Robinson-Olson rematch set for Los A-geles Apri' 20 the other 160pounder are forming a Ions line Ralph Tiger Jones who was the last to beat Robinson strengthened his bid last week by knocking out rugged Tonv Baldoni Another pack of middleweight? is ready to chev thinks he can truat 2 A l'uzanov was remvo pH as nifinier of the Russian Re public and replaced by Aj Yasnov The latter for a number of years was mayor of Moscow during Khru-shchev'sr face the cameras thu wee Hardy (Bazooka) bmauwoou Tl MtlM nt 111(1- tenure as boss of the city's Com iUid Kay uraac a munist nolitical machine Puanov IE pounders from Brooklyn wno don't fieuie in anybody's title was demoted to deputy premier I nan Jefferson (boys) Hancock of SjeedviUe vs White Pine (girls) Pittman Center vs Maury (boys) Tuesday Feb 28 Harrisoh-Chilhowee Rutledge (girls) 7 Hancock County vs Mor- YOURSELF plans at the present top the 3 In Lithuania A ueuvi-las long-time premier of the Lithuanian Republic was replaced hv a nartv secretary card tonight at St mcnuiaa Arena in New York NOTIrTOUCI IMMIDIATILY AfTlt ACCIDENT THIN SUSMITWBHTIN RIPORT Shumaiwkas No reason was giv- en Rebels Defeat 75 to 58 4 (ien I Parihin was re- 9 a a Washb" moved from UK position as mim- Statistic Txfdny ster of the machinery and instru ment industry when thS depart1 KNOGVILLE Mississippi men't wa sDUt in two I'anOim State widened a five-point lead infn a 75-58 Southeastern Con was named head of neither of the! new organizations 5 More than a dozen veteran ference basketball victory over Tennessee in the last six minutes Saturday night White Pine vs Washburn (boys) Wdndy Fb 600 Sevierville vs winner Morrfstown-Gatllnburg (girls) 7 Rutledge vs winner Har-'ri9on Chilhowee Jefferson (boys) 9 Pittman Center vs Winner Hancock-White Pine (girls) mtn Qaviarvilla vs winner first secretaries of Connminiit I The teams were tied iS-li after a first half in which the party units in key regions havej been ousted For slightly mere than two vears Khrushchev has been re score was tied eight times iTha iaine irave each team a ralord of three conference vk- moving persons he did not trust! l'it tman Center-Maury boy s) from positions of responsibility lories against five defeats treauentlv thev have tieen ioi-i mer- close associates of ex-rre-j mier Georgi Malenkov Thursday March 1 Rush Strong vs winner ot game 5 (girls) Pi Beta Phi vs winner of 7 (girls)- gjOO-yJefferaon vs winner mie 7 (irirls 49 Cards At Florida Camp If you will take a look in the mirror before yon leave the house in the morning vou will be face-to-face with a Statistic And when day is done you will be a Statistic either as a driver wjedeStrian who had no accidents or as one of those killed or injured IT ALL DEPENDS ON YOU Because you are the dnv-er or pedestrian who causes accidents or prevents them Drive towards others as you would have others drive unto you This Sofeitf iMessage iMooV Possible by these CMc-Klnded Fliw 1 Geo Smith Insurance Agency New Art Club is bt iKTKrtSBURG Fla Formed By Cocke Forty-nine regulars and rookie: reported Sunday to the St Lout' Cards new manager Fred Hut County Members ciiinson who wasted no time put n- tham In work i NEW-PORT Organization! was completed -Thursday night of an Art Club in Cocke County Hutchinson wanting a quick sixeup of the club's strength Rush Strong vs winner of game 8 (boy) Friday March 2 game 9 vs win-ner game 11 (girls) 7:30 Winner game 10 vi winner game 12' (boys) Winner game 13 vs winner game 15 (girt) Winner of game 14 VS winner game 16 (boys) Saturday March 3 nl The club was named the Crea-I vthod an hour and a nair arm live Art Club and by-laws were adopted The following officers- of running and pepper games then scheduled once a day work outs for the next 10 days were elected for this year: Presi dent Mrs Douglas Amick New- port- Vice-President Mrs Mar- I Tenii Beagle jone Heeves Uel Kio: secretary-Treasurer Mrs Lois McNabb Throwing Mil Goroge BODY WORK and PAINTING Newport: Program Chairman Mrs Anna Large Cosby and Publicity Chairman lack Vinson Wins in Trials JONESBORO Ark Entries of Jimmy Tyson of Denmark Tenn swept the 13-inch division of the 6th annual field trials spon The purposes of the club to stimulate interest in Art and Loser game 17 vs "loser game 18 (ftai Championship Winner' game 17 vs Winner game 19 (girls) Championship 9 Winner ganie 5 8 vs winner game 20 (boys) MontUyDAV Meeting Tuesday related fields in Cocke and ad joining counties" to resist artists! in the area served by the Club in furthering their knowledge of sored by the Growley Ridge Beagle Club The trials licensed by the k'nni Club ended art techniques and materials tn assist artists and members oi Ml the Club in showine and selling Cosh lumber Co Peoples finance Co Stauifer Chemical Co Center the nroduction of their work and to enter into any other activ here yesterday completing two days of competition Injuries Fatal CHATTANOOGA Injuries iiffori when he was struck by ity aimed toward the betterment I All members of Morristown Chapter No 59 Disabled American Veterans and all other veteran are cofdially invited to attend the monthly meeting on TnHv niirht upstairs in the of art and -artists in the area (fosby Henderson Oil Co Merhoff Insurance Co Tower Service Station Morrisfown Produce and Ice Co JMorrisfown Auto Supply The club will have two mect- earth month One meeting a car Saturday proved fatal yes will be a business and' program City Hall at 7:30 Matters of importance to all veterans will be discussed meeting and the other will be terday to John Barrett tu He was the fifth person to die in rhattannoora lraffie this year sketching and painting mcctins Th eluh will work as a com mittee in helDimr stace the SALES and SERVICE compared to one at this time ibst Festival of Arts Section of the year Spring Festival to be held at th! I Cocke County fairgrounds May Cocke Countian Is Named State 'Farmer of Year' NEWPORT A young Cocke rntv farmer Trent Ottinger 85 HomWen iurafcer Co "QUALITY MADE US FAMOUS-SERVICE MADE US GROW" Membership in the club is: VETS IN TRAINING UNOSR open to artists in this area as! well as Dersons interested in the THE KOREA BILL WHO ARI ELIOIBLC FOR HIGHER CI PAYMENTS BECAUSE Ot THEIR DEPENDENTS MUST SUBMIT advancement of Art Further del has been named "state farmer tails may be obtained from any EVIDENCE Or DtPcNWc NUT of the above officers of the year" ntiinffjif's HeveloDrrient of 47 HfcrUKC VA MAT fAT THE HIGHER ALLOWANCB TO acres of badly eroded land into a productive farm helped him win the title in a statewide contest sponsored by the Junior Chamber of Commerce in conjunction Drive Unto Others As You Would Have Others Drive Unto You Jim Hearn Is Golf Winner SARASOTA Jim Hearn of the New York Ciints Sunday won the annual Kirly Wynn baseball players golf tournament with a 54-hole total of 221 five over nar but six strokes with the University of lennes gee Extension Division and Ten Vallev Authority i fmr vears Ottinger has better than his closest pursuer developed a herd of Guernsey cows and netted enough profit to buy 41 additional acres He and his wil built a modern 6 room house with 225 sped' ioc outside Uwr John Gray of the Kansas wty Athletics was second with 227 VST SKINS ABMICISTIUTION TENNESSEE fTATE LIBRARY AND ARCHIVE! Stat Library vision EBBS jL.

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Morristown Gazette Mail from Morristown, Tennessee (2025)


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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Views: 5838

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Author information

Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

Phone: +6824704719725

Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.